Why's Foy looking at me?!
What's gonna happen this year?
What are you looking at?!
Hi and welcome to Power of Three, the collective uniting all the fanlistings own by us - Clo, Hakka and Maddy.
Feel free to take a look around, and if you like some of the subjects, please join! ^^

Number of fanlistings: 62
Online since: 08th March, 2005
Version: 2 - Slytheryn vs Gryffindors
Layout made by Clo - Credits

June 26, 2014
Ron wrote Removed Parseltongue and Angelina Jolie, that have been adopted out.
June 16, 2014
Ron wrote Updated removing any lingering sign of Clo's fanlisting and also removed Ewan McGregor and Dark Chocolate, that have been adopted out. Also, archived updates from 2011
January 14, 2013
Ron wrote We have closed the Nicole (nowhereland9.org) fanlisting as we couldn't find a new owner. :( Otherwise, Sammii has taken over the Arthur Pendragon fanlisting and Sarah has adopted the LOTR Elves. Go check them!
January 06, 2012
Ron wrote Posting on Clo's behalf, hence Ron's icon. We've adopted King Arthur movie fanlisting from Alyson.

[updates archive]

Hakka @ Snakes and Dragons Clo @ Misty Morning Madda @ Liquid Ego
T hy la - Star trek (2009): KirkSpock Ecologic - Bicycle/bike

Pictures and characters are © of the original owners.

ZZZZZZZZZ *Spotty dormiens numquam titillandus!* *Because Weasley is Our King!* My Father will be hearing about this! My Father will be hearing about this! My Father will be hearing about this! My Father will be hearing about this! Take a look at our fanlistings Links, Keep in Mind List and more Find out what's new! *Because Weasley is Our King!* ZZZZZZZZZ *Spotty dormiens numquam titillandus!*